"Fold your head and bow your arms"

February 3rd, 2018 - Provo, UT MTC


OH MY WORD I AM HEREEEEEE!!!!!!!! There's so much so I'll just start.

The first day we taught investigators with like 50 other missionaries in a panel. Some of them are fake and some are real but you never know which. However I am the most gullible person I know so I even think the actors are real. But anyway this one named Yui comes in and after talking to her for a while we find that she has never prayed on her own. So there we are. 50 plus teenagers who have hours ago left literally everything that they know except for God.
And we're trying to convince her that she wants to know Him like we do. And we convince her to try. All of us kneel down and it gets silent. She starts off "Heavenly Father.... long pause.... I am praying to you..." and continues a slow prayer til she finishes. I thought I was gonna explode with the Spirit. This is so real. We wanted her to feel it so bad and she did. It was like magic but God right there with us helping us and carrying us.

The elders in our zone c are un poco insane. Somehow they managed to obtain a fish during a temple walk and kept it as a pet hidden in their vent? Don't do that you'll get in trouble. They did and had to have a funeral which is a difficult thing to have in the MTC hahahaa.
Also it is FAKE NEWS that missionaries aren't fun hahah we have so much fun oh my gosh. I didn't know why God would transfer me to Provo from Mexico but my district also got transferred. I have 2 compas and i love them with all of my heart they are a huge blessing and my district is weird since we are intermediate we only have 7 people and me and my comps are the only hermanas in it. Its actually so fun its small though we laugh so hard together.

We talk in spanish so much which i LOVE. We often say things we don't mean to say though, we have so much work to do.
We spent so long teaching each other how to pray in spanish and said cross your head and bow your arms for a good while before we figured that one out hahaha. In the wise words of Elder Reyes after we taught our first lesson in Spanish: "English is so much easier." but Spanish is honestly the BEST. 

I feel so lucky to be here. It is hard, we are tired and we miss our families and sometimes I feel really discouraged. But I am the Lord's servant, and there is no doubt that He helps His servants. We have a work to do and He knows it. 

Con amor,
Hermana Curtis :))

PS saw Elder Nilsson and Soster Zenger and Elder May (BYU squad reunite) and Elder Power and Sister Bitters and SO MANY PALS


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